Fortune 500

Transmission Upgrades & Expansion Are Necessary To Meet Increasing Demand For Wind & Solar

A newly released report from the Wind Energy Foundation (WEF) calls upon transmission planners to take into account the significant renewable energy demand of large non-utility customers, especially from Fortune 500 companies. That’s because big companies are increasingly signing deals to buy wind and solar power, and their large and growing demand for transmission upgrades may exceed existing plans.

Opening The Corporate Renewable Energy Floodgates

Originally published on RMIOutlet On Monday and Tuesday this week, more than 75 Fortune 500 companies, NGOs, renewable energy project developers, utilities, and other organizations are gathered in San Francisco for a corporate renewable energy workshop. Co-hosted by Rocky Mountain Institute, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), World Resources Institute (WRI), and BSR, … [continued]

In The Aftermath Of Earth Day

By Vic Shao Celebrating Earth Day often feels like New Year’s Eve. We all get excited, drink some environmental kool-aid and make pledges like cutting carbon that we subsequently forget until the next Earth Day. But the aftermath of this Earth Day feels a little different. Last month, the Intergovermental Panel on Climate … [continued]