Super-Bacteria Are Scaling Up To Attack The Petrochemical Industry
The Danish startup Cellugy has developoed a drop-in, bio-based replacement for petrochemicals., produced with an assist from super-bacteria.
The Danish startup Cellugy has developoed a drop-in, bio-based replacement for petrochemicals., produced with an assist from super-bacteria.
“Precision fermentation is the most important environmental technology humanity has ever developed. … We would be idiots to turn our back on it.”
As vineyards around the world face the threat of increasing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, one vineyard in France has planned to do its part to reduce its carbon footprint. The business plan makes perfect sense and is one that should be financially and environmentally sustainable. Chateau Smith Haut … [continued]
Scientists of the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh are working on photo-catalytic reduction technology which would recycle carbon dioxide emissions from power plants into liquid and gaseous fuels for the domestic and transport sectors. Another positive aspect of this conversion process is the use of solar radiation. A team of scientists led by … [continued]
Bokashi is a ramped-up, high-speed composting method first developed in Japan. What gives it the muscle that ordinary compost lacks? Think of the difference between wine and grape juice, and that’s the key to a fine bokashi.