Experian Automotive

Note: Includes both all-electric and plug-in hybrid registrations

4.3% of Light-Duty Vehicles in California Had a Plug in 2023

In 2023, California had the highest share of light-duty plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) registrations (i.e., number of vehicles on the road), representing 4.3% of all light-duty vehicle registrations in the state. The next highest was the District of Columbia (DC) with 3.5% followed by Hawaii at 2.8%. There were nine … [continued]

Baby Boomers aren't typically EV buyers, but these two are! Photo by Zach Shahan | CleanTechnica.

Who Is Buying Electric Cars Now?

This is one of the big questions I’ve been wondering in the past year or so. Who is buying electric cars now? For years, very early adopters were buying them because they were concerned about our growing climate crisis and/or because they were techies who quickly got drawn to the … [continued]

Tesla Domination Budding, Toyota & Honda Getting Hit By EV Rise In USA — Conquest…

Before the modern electric car era, if you needed a car and wanted something fuel efficient, your best options were generally Toyotas and Hondas, the two companies that led on hybrids and fuel-efficient non-hybrids. There are generations of drivers who still love Toyota and Honda as a result of those cars and these two companies’ reputations for reliability, fuel efficiency, and high quality for the money. But Tesla is now setting a much higher bar, and consumers are responding.

10 More Electric Vehicle Stories

Haven’t had enough electric vehicle (EV) news lately? Check out these 10 EV stories below. 1. Toyota has unveiled the ME.WE concept EV. It’s a cute little car, reminiscent of a Mini Cooper, in my opinion. Its floors and horizontal surfaces are made of bamboo, an interesting twist that I imagine could … [continued]