EV HOV lanes

Electric Car News Link Bomb (Tesla Model X Love, Chevy Bolt Test Drives, Porsche 911…

As with the renewable energy news link bomb I just published, here’s another one dedicated to electric car news: Tesla Motors Stuff Tesla Autopilot Performs Flawlessly During Motley Fool Highway Test GM Has Lobbied Against Tesla’s Direct Sales Model In At Least Five States Tesla Fights On In Utah And Connecticut Blogger Says Tesla Is Building Throwaway Cars … [continued]

How To Best Promote Electric Cars

Following up on the best things about electric cars, in our 6th article pulled from Electric Cars: What Early Adopters & First Followers Want — a new report from CleanTechnica, EV Obsession, and GAS2 — I’m jumping into what EV drivers and enthusiasts consider to be the best ways to promote EVs and spread the EV revolution. … [continued]