Let’s Be More Civil To Each Other At Public EV Chargers!
Until there are abundant public EV chargers, we need to be conscious of how we interact with other EV drivers when we find precious charging away from home.
Until there are abundant public EV chargers, we need to be conscious of how we interact with other EV drivers when we find precious charging away from home.
Originally posted on EVANNEX. by Charles Morris With new technologies come new social norms concerning what is and is not considered polite behavior. No one knew what “netiquette” meant 25 years ago, but now it’s a required social skill for any well-bred person. The rise of EVs will lead to a … [continued]
Any time a new technology starts to spread, it takes some time for a set of rules for proper etiquette to develop (we’re still waiting for this to happen with mobile phones). In some parts of the world, the availability of public charging has not kept up with the growing number of EVs on the roads, leading to frayed tempers and unpleasant scenes at some of the most crowded charging stations.
EVs are bringing change to how we think about personal transportation, what kind of fuel we use for it, and, with chargers, where we should park. Owning 2 EVs, my wife and I now try to support businesses and shopping centers that support charging through free or pay-to-use EV chargers. … [continued]
Originally published on Planetsave. So you’ve made the big move from a gas-powered vehicle to an electric car, and congratulations are in order! You’re helping to reduce our dependence on oil, decrease the amount of pollution from transportation, and you’re saving money on fuel at the same time. Now, instead … [continued]
Update January 2: Counter to what was presented by the police, Kaveh Kamooneh says that he was never previously told to stay off of the school tennis courts. It seems absurd that they would fabricate that history, but we have certainly seen more absurd things in this world. If Kamooneh is … [continued]
EV parking etiquette is apparently a very complicated and controversial matter. But one thing is clear. A gasmobile should not be parking its behind in an EV’s spot. To crack down on less than polite drivers, or at least deter them from doing something stupid, the Washington State legislature has just … [continued]