EV battery research

$200 Million More for Electric Vehicles, Batteries, & Connected Vehicles from US Department of Energy

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $200 million in funding over the next five years for electric vehicles, batteries, and connected vehicles projects at DOE national labs and new DOE partnerships to support electric vehicles innovation. “We’re focusing on the entire battery supply chain from soup to nuts … [continued]

New Approach To Li-Ion Battery Efficiency At Stanford Puts Out Fires

There’s a new approach that is boosting the efficiency of lithium-ion batteries that also puts out fires — making the batteries fireproof. The new approach, according to scientists at Stanford University and the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is the reengineering of one of the heaviest components in batteries: sheets of copper or aluminum foil that are used to collect currents.

Recycling EV Batteries More Cost-Competitive Than Using For Home Energy Storage — Lux Research Echoes…

It makes more sense from an economic standpoint to recycle old plug-in electric vehicle batteries than to reuse them directly for home energy storage, according to a new report from Lux Research. The primary reason? According to Lux Research, reused plug-in electric vehicle batteries will “deliver questionable returns on account of reduced performance, limiting them to application with less frequent and shallower depth of discharge cycles.”