Energy intensity

Broadly Sharing the Benefits of “Decarbonization”

Last summer, I saw a presentation on “deep decarbonization” that outlined necessary changes in the US economy in order to sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The presentation was fascinating, offering some very specific elements to focus our attention. For example, the following graphic shows the average number of replacements for various infrastructure types prior to the typical deadline of 2050. A hot water heater might be swapped three times by 2050, providing several opportunities to make it more efficient or switch its fuel source. Conversely, a power plant might be replaced once (if at all), and a new home is likely to still be in use past the 2050 deadline.

Renewables, Efficiency Take Flight In US Air Force Energy Strategy

Unstable global energy supplies and greatly reduced federal funding might be the two biggest threats facing the US Air Force – but it looks like clean energy technology is the solution to both.

The USAF’s Energy Strategic Plan outlines a major shift toward energy efficiency, renewables, distributed generation and microgrids, and green building to “actively seek solutions to the energy challenges that pose a threat to our operations.”

EPA Submits Below-Average Plan to Cut its Own GHGs 25% by 2020

When it comes to passing laws to promote the switch to clean energy to prevent climate change, President Obama may have constitutionally limited powers, but one power he does have is the power to issue an executive order controlling the actions of all of our federal agencies – like the Departments of Defense, Energy, Justice, Interior, and the Environmental Protection Agency.