
Experimental Smart House Completed In Tokyo University

The Institute of Industrial Science of Tokyo University, widely regarded as the top university in Japan, has erected a “smart house” on their Komaba Campus, in cooperation with LIXIL Housing Corporation’s Eyeful Home Company. The current structure, the COMMA house (COMfort MAnagement), is the start of a series of prototypes and tests geared toward creating more-or-less self-sufficient home. The project is expected to have plans for a standard smart house by 2020.

Quantum Tunneling Composites Lead to a More Efficient Flashlight, And More!

Most of us have grown up in an environment where power comes from a plug in the wall, and lights are fixtures or lamps that take advantage of that system. But in many parts of the world, this infrastructure doesn’t exist, and so people spend a lot of money on dirty, smelly Kerosene to light their houses at night. Something so simple as a bright, dependable LED flashlight can be an excellent leapfrogging technology for people in such places, as it can provide clean, safe light that can be ‘filled up’ with a tiny solar battery charger.

Greenest Consumer Electronics

Want to know what the greenest desktop computers, laptops, netbooks, computer monitors, mobile phones, smartphones and televisions are? Greenpeace is helping you out. It has just released its latest green consumer product reviews. The good news overall is that electronics companies are becoming greener. “Our survey shows that electronics manufacturers … [continued]