Economic Development

Measure National CO2 Emissions Interactively Over Time

You can now use an interactive guide to discover more about the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. “Carbon Emissions Around The World” quickly calculates the CO2 emissions of different countries. The program becomes especially important in view of the new international emphasis on differentiation in accountability for climate change. With it, users … [continued]

UN Aids Local Solar Manufacturing in Egypt

Originally published on In a welcome bid to promote solar energy use in Egypt’s industrial sector, the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has initiated a project to boost local solar manufacturing capacity in Egypt. Funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the UN-backed project will support the local manufacturing … [continued]

Why Local Energy Ownership Matters

Solar and wind projects can mean big bucks for communities – but only if they keep them local! Why does ownership of renewable energy matter? Because the number of jobs and economic returns for communities are substantially higher when electricity generation from wind and sun can be captured by local … [continued]