Light Tubes, Prism Lighting, & Other Daylighting Solutions
While LED lighting is arguably far “greener” than incandescent lighting is, both lighting modalities are easily trumped by daylighting solutions, where and when that is applicable.
While LED lighting is arguably far “greener” than incandescent lighting is, both lighting modalities are easily trumped by daylighting solutions, where and when that is applicable.
Adding appropriate daylighting to a building has a number of benefits to the both the owners and the occupants, whether it’s a home or a business. Daylighting can reduce lighting energy costs, as well as other lighting equipment costs (replacement bulbs, ballasts, drivers, hardware, etc.) and can be a key … [continued]
Originally published on 1Sun4All. One if my favorite features of California State University, Sacramento‘s net-zero energy home for the US Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2015, is the spacious outdoor deck that expands the interior spaces and lets the light “cascade in.” The master bedroom has its own entry onto a porch, a … [continued]
Originally published on Cost of Solar. One of the best ways to save money is also one of the greenest decisions we can make: that decision is the decision to save more energy. We waste a tremendous amount of energy in the US. Recent studies have found that we waste … [continued]
DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory has launched the Energy Systems Integration Facility, a revolutionary research facility dedicated solely to researching how distributed renewables can integrate to the grid at utility-scale.
New York City could benefit substantially from the incorporation of daylight harvesting systems into its most easily-retrofittable office buildings, reducing peak electricity demand by up to 160 megawatts, according to a recent study by Green Light New York. The use of daylight to cut back on electricity usage, in appropriate … [continued]
It looks like the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) gets bragging rights to one of the most energy-efficient office buildings in the entire country. The USACE Seattle District has just moved into its new headquarters, formerly the site of a 1940’s-era warehouse. Originally host to a nondescript, one-story sprawling box … [continued]
From the wonderful folks over at NREL: The blips of a heart monitor, the hum of an MRI, the intense lights of a surgical room: all can bring both comfort and fear — and all require a lot of power. But new hospitals are being filled with natural, calming … [continued]
CleanTechnica readers are probably most familiar with heliostats related to concentrated solar power (CSP) projects — they’re the mirrors that direct sunlight at the solar power tower. However, heliostats can be used for other purposes as well. A heliostat “is a device that includes a mirror, usually a plane mirror, which … [continued]