
Fuel Cells to Power CBS Studios in California

CBS Studios is the latest high-profile corporation to turn to fuel cells in an effort to “green” its energy use. Six 90%-efficient UTC Power PureCell systems are to be installed at production and office facilities, resulting in significant reductions in CO2 and NOx emissions, as well as water consumption. […]

Coalition for Sustainable Rail to Convert World’s First Modern Steam Engine Powered with Biocoal

This is not just a trip down memory lane to visit an old smoky railroad locomotive. At the University of Minnesota, the Coalition for Sustainable Rail (CSR) is actively converting a 1937 locomotive – # 3463 – into what will be the world’s first carbon-neutral high-speed locomotive. It will not be electric, running instead on steam generated by the burning of biofuel, or torrefied biocoal. […]

Locally Produced, Consumed Solar Power & Inventor Nationalism: A New Model to Spur US Manufacturing…

Prolific inventor and Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur Kent Kernahan and partners believe they’re on to a way for US inventors, and local governments and communities to play a direct, pivotal role in revitalizing US manufacturing and job growth. Through their latest ventures, Ideal PV and Locally Grown Power, they’re looking to leverage Kernahan’s latest solar power innovations in building solar PV panel plants with local governments and community groups that will produce and consume clean, renewable power locally and sustainably over the long term.

Green Business Blog Carnival #17

The Green Business Blog Carnival comes to Cleantechnica! Following up on Green Business Blog Carnival post #16, a fun summary of some green business news on Viv Biz Club, here’s the next edition of the Carnival for your reading pleasure. It’s the middle of the West Coast Green Conference today, where … [continued]