
Top 10 Commercial Solar Customers In USA (In Absolute Terms)

When it comes to US business choosing to power their stores and factories with solar energy, the critical factor is money. Commercial solar prices have fallen by 58% since 2012 and by 16% year over year in 2016. In many cases, it’s just cheaper to install commercial solar power systems than continue to buy electricity from the local utility. Large US corporations now benefit from more than 1,000 megawatts of installed solar power. That’s up from 300 megawatts in 2012.

Corporations With Most New Solar

Solar Love. US commercial solar energy continues gaining steam, with Walmart leading the way in terms of total installed solar power capacity (despite recent criticism for funding anti-solar organizations). The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has just come out with its third annual Solar Means Business report, showcasing the most … [continued]

Why Owning Your Own Power Plant Might Not Be Crazy

Originally published on Rocky Mountain Institute. By Leia Guccione  It’s been three months since we released The Economics of Grid Defection exploring when off-grid solar-plus-battery systems could reach economic parity with retail electric service.  These systems could become competitive with retail electric service within the next decade for many commercial customers and … [continued]