Water Saving Solar Panels, Coming Soon To A Canal Near You
Solar panels on canals can save water, prevent toxic algae blooms, conserve land, and generate zero emission electricity, too.
Solar panels on canals can save water, prevent toxic algae blooms, conserve land, and generate zero emission electricity, too.
Originally published on The Beam. By Alessandro Vitelli It’s hard to convey just how big a UNFCCC Conference of the Parties meeting is; how many different streams of events and themes each summit encompasses, how vast the organization of it is and just how important for the climate these meetings … [continued]
Editorial note: If, like many Brazilians, you were on holidays for most of January, you might have missed two important international summits of relevance for climate and energy. Luckily for you, CleanTechnica was there to cover them while you were out and about on your first full-electric road trip (or whatever … [continued]
Cautious optimism from recent world progress (the US-China agreements, Green Climate Fund pledges, other international commitments) marked the first week of the UN’s COP20 climate change meetings in Peru. Lots of information changed hands as new data and solutions came forth from both governments and nongovernmental institutions. Of course, moments … [continued]
I’m headed to Abu Dhabi yet again right now*, this time for Abu Dhabi Ascent, a major UN event that is supposed to feature former US Vice President and elected-by-popular-vote (but not officially elected) President Al Gore, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Jeffrey Sachs, and … [continued]