colorado community solar

‘Solar Gardens’ Put Clean Energy Within Reach Of Low-Income Families

Originally published on Climate Progress. by Bryan Lewis Everyone deserves access to clean energy — especially those living in disadvantaged communities. Lower-income Americans are more susceptible to the negative impacts of climate change. Many are already affected by urban pollution, extended power outages due to extreme weather events, and health hazards from living disproportionately … [continued]

Community Solar Garden #SolarChat Summary

This article was originally published on Solar Love. I recently participated in one of the Twitter #SolarChat events that @EcoOutfitters organizes. It was a real blast — fun and informative. The general focus was community solar gardens, but that was of course linked to many other solar issues. Numerous useful … [continued]

Community Solar Matters, and Why

  When you subtract out shady roofs, renters, and other factors, only about 25% of Americans have a place to install solar power.  With the high upfront cost of a complete system, the potential solar universe shrinks further. That changes with “community solar.” After a long wait on the state’s … [continued]