Most People Have Already Felt The Effects Of Climate Change
The latest climate research shows we are speeding over a cliff. Is anyone driving the bus?
The latest climate research shows we are speeding over a cliff. Is anyone driving the bus?
A new report looks at how heat and a climate that is getting hotter is endangering the health of the aging US population. This threat is exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The series is part of the Pulitzer Center’s Connected Coastlines reporting initiative.
Gavin Schmidt, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies at NASA, says 2017 is on pace to being the second hottest year since 1880. Climate Central says millentials have never experienced a cooler than average month.
You know the saying — “When it rains, it pours.” However, this may actually be the future normal rather than a simple idiom. A recent report suggests extreme rain storms which occur on average once a season may increase 400% by century’s end. The study, published in the Nature Climate Change journal, said storms could increase by 5 times in a season within this century.
Continuing the record-breaking trend of earlier months this year, July 2016 has now been confirmed as the hottest July on record globally, going by new data released by NASA. The record-breaking month follows a streak of record-breaking months going all the way back to October 2015 (using NASA’s data), and … [continued]
Wondering how prepared your state is for upcoming changes in climate? If you’re in Texas, you might be in for trouble. This week, Climate Central unveiled the first-ever national analysis of state-level preparedness for climate change-driven, weather-related threats. States at Risk: America’s Preparedness Report Card summarizes the changing nature of key threats and … [continued]
Mid-August. A great time for four researchers from Climate Central to publish their new report on urban heat islands—areas with high daily urban vs. rural temperature differences. Almost anybody over 60 will tell you the organization of leading scientists and journalists is right on. My city’s stats are just above. … [continued]
Originally published on Lenz Blog. The recent news about reforming the Law on Priority for Renewable Energy in Germany is not great for people like me. As Hans-Josef Fell (one of the original authors of the law) explains in much detail, the reform that will likely become law is restraining growth just about everywhere. … [continued]