$20 Trillion for Urgent Climate Change Action
Say what?
285 top investors who represent $20 trillion in assets pushed leaders of the world to take urgent climate change and clean energy action in a letter last week.
Say what?
285 top investors who represent $20 trillion in assets pushed leaders of the world to take urgent climate change and clean energy action in a letter last week.
This is a pretty sweet new video from the Rocky Mountain Institute on our transition to a clean energy economy (already taking place, but how much more we can and need to do):
Check out this “World Energy Report” and my thoughts on some of the issues represented here…
Not set on the solar trend? Blame it on the brain. The mind tends to assess issues within a limited set of parameters. Like a juggler, if too many balls get tossed around at the same time, chaos and confusion set in.
Our former owner, One Block Off the Grid (1BOG), recently created this great infographic on green jobs. Thought it was worthy of a full share here on CleanTechnica. Some of the highlights, in my opinion are that….
I, and others on Cleantechnica, have written about the statistics of China’s clean energy growth, investments and clean energy plans a number of times on here, and just yesterday I wrote on the expansion of a Chinese wind energy company in the US. But what is it like to spend … [continued]
In the last 15 months, President Obama and his Administration have made significant progress in changing the way America thinks about energy and the environment, making the vision of a 21st century clean energy economy a reality. From historic investments in clean energy infrastructure and technology; improved efficiency for buildings, … [continued]
The newest iteration of the climate bill in congress has just been scored by the non partisan congressional budget office and, as for the two previous climate bills (Waxman and Boxer), finds that Kerry-Graham-Lieberman would save money.
The City of Dezhou in China has successfully bid to host the 4th of a biannual series of world solar conferences, and will do so in the largest building ever to be almost entirely powered by solar in the world. It has over 800,000 square feet of space inside. [social_buttons] … [continued]