Large-Scale Power Projects Undermine the CDM

  In less than a week, world leaders, government negotiators, industry, and civil society will converge on Doha, Qatar, for COP18. They will discuss how the global community can get itself out of the current climate mess. What’s clear is that, in terms of solutions, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) … [continued]

Peru, South American Nations Turn to Reverse Auctions to Accelerate Renewable Energy Development

Peru and other governments in South America, including Brazil and Uruguay’s, are making headway as they strive to develop renewable energy resources that reduce CO2 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental degradation while at the same time boosting economic activity and jobs growth. In doing so, they’re turning to reverse auctions, as opposed to Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs) or other incentives, as a market-based mechanism to foster growth of renewable energy capacity. […]

China, Beneficiary of EU’s Cap & Trade, Now Shirks its Responsibilities

As of of January 1st, 2012, China’s renewable energy projects will no longer be eligible for funding from the EU cap and trade market, through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) that allows polluters in the EU to offset carbon emissions at home by building clean energy abroad.

So in December China rushed through 139 CDM-eligible projects in a last-ditch effort to gain the last of the funding for clean energy development before the cut-off date.

Under the European Trading System (ETS) cap and trade system, polluting plants have to pay for every ton of greenhouse gases they send into the air, and have to reduce the amount every year. If they can’t reduce their emissions enough, they have to buy credits instead, with the funds going to develop clean energy in developing nations.