building retrofits

RMI Uses Multi-Pronged Approach To Energy Efficiency

Originally published on Rocky Mountain Institute. By Robert Hutchinson. Since 2009, RMI’s work to advance deep energy retrofits has focused on a multi-pronged approach to scaling: 1) collaborate with project teammates, owners, and other fast movers who learn from and copy pioneering deep retrofit projects, 2) engage entire portfolios and campuses of buildings … [continued]

DOE Weatherization Assistance Cuts Energy Bills, Lowers Usage for 600,000 Low-Income Homes

Creating much needed building and construction industry jobs, reducing energy bills and use at low-income homes and buildings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, all this has been achieved – and faster than scheduled – by the DOE’s Weatherization Assistance Program, which has ‘weatherized’ 600,000 homes and buildings across the US and its territories three months ahead of schedule.