
Bacteria-Made Wires Create Electrical Currents in the Seabed, Possible Applications in Electronics

  Three years ago researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark discovered something completely unpredicted, measurable electrical currents running through a completely undisturbed seabed. At the time of discovery, it wasn’t completely clear what was conducting the current, but the theory was that electric currents could possibly be traveling through different … [continued]

Biohybrid Solar Cell Breakthrough: Spinach Protein Combined with Silicon in New Way that Greatly Boosts…

  In a technological breakthrough, the photosynthetic protein in spinach has been combined with silicon in a new and unique way, resulting in a solar cell that produces considerably more electrical current than any previous “biohybrid” solar cells. “This combination produces current levels almost 1,000 times higher than we were … [continued]