biofuels algae

Harnessing The Power Of Pond Scum

A new study from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) estimates that the US could support the production of up to 25 billion gallons of algae biofuel annually. That accounts for a whopping one-twelfth of the nation’s current needs and it could prove even more significant if electric vehicles replace liquid-fuel … [continued]

Algae Biofuel Could Make UAE Deserts Bloom

If you really want an indicator of just how close we are to a more sustainable energy future, take a look at what’s going on over at United Arab Emirates (UAE), deep in the heart of the world’s most notoriously prolific petroleum-exporting region. UAE’s Masdar Institute of Science and Technology … [continued]

Old Newspapers + Secret Ingredient = Cheap Biofuel

Today’s fishwrap is tomorrow’s biofuel: a research team from Tulane University has found a low cost, energy efficient way to recycle ordinary newspaper into butanol biofuel, which can be used as a drop-in replacement for gasoline. The secret ingredient is a bacteria found in animal droppings, which naturally produces butanol as it digests the news.