Marathon Petroleum: Bailout Of A Racist Polluter
The coronavirus bailout has given big polluter Marathon Petroleum a free pass to make Detroit residents sick.
The coronavirus bailout has given big polluter Marathon Petroleum a free pass to make Detroit residents sick.
Reports swirling around Washington, D.C. suggest that the White House has shelved plans drawn up by Energy Secretary Rick Perry to effectively bail out the US coal and nuclear industries amidst opposition from President Trump’s advisers on the National Security Council and National Economic Council.
A new independent assessment by The Brattle Group of US President Donald Trump’s plan to bail out the country’s coal and nuclear plants has concluded that the cost of such a bailout could balloon to $70 billion over two years.
The subsidiaries that run FirstEnergy Corp.’s nuclear and coal-fired power plants filed for bankruptcy at the end of March after months of speculation, while at the same time essentially petitioning the US Department of Energy to declare an emergency that would effectively bail out the ruined fossil fuel company.
The auto industry has long had a symbiotic relationship with the oil industry. If oil companies are the drug pushers, then car companies are the crack pipe manufacturers. But after its near-death experience a few years ago, at least one auto company appears to be distancing itself from its drug pusher. … [continued]
[social_buttons] It was just a few hours ago when I wrote that I thought I’d be delving into the topic of nuclear energy a little more soon. Well, soon is now. This post is about two nuclear reactors that are an urgent matter to some (in the nuclear industry and … [continued]