
NASA Earth Observatory image by Lauren Dauphin, using VIIRS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE, GIBS/Worldview, and the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership.

Floating Solar Project Withstands Super Typhoon Capricorn

One of the fiercest typhoons to hit the area of Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China, since 1949 was Super Typhoon Capricorn this month. In this wild weather, torrential winds and giant waves, what is the durability of floating solar panels? If you were anticipating seeing some broken panels, think again. Despite considerable … [continued]

ChatGPT generated panoramic image of a gray rhino and a black swan in a standoff with a looming wall of water about to crash down on them

Wucker’s Gray Rhino Is Essential Reading & Her Thoughts On Climate & COVID Compelling

A year and a half ago I had the opportunity to sit down with Michele Wucker, author of The Gray Rhino and You Are What You Risk, to have a wide ranging conversation about risks we tend to ignore, Asian vs Western perceptions of risk, black swans, climate change, COVID, … [continued]

EDP Renewables APAC 254.8MWp Solar Farm in Thuan Bac, Vietnam

The Fight Against Coal In Southeast Asia

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which accounts for almost a dozen countries, includes several of the fastest growing economies in the world. Unfortunately, much of the energy that is fueling this economic development is coming from oil, natural gas, and most concerningly, coal. Approximately 40% of the power … [continued]

Projected Zero-Carbon Electricity Growth Highly Dependent On Cost In Parts of Asia

We project low zero-carbon technology costs will drive substantial growth in zero-carbon electricity capacity and generation and limit growth in fossil fuel-fired generation in parts of Asia between 2030 and 2050 in our International Energy Outlook 2023 (IEO2023). In the region we call Other Asia-Pacific (OAS), we project the electric power sector’s CO2 emission … [continued]

Offshore wind will change the power mix in Southeast Asia (Photo from World Economic Forum by Unsplash/Nicholas Doherty)

Southeast Asia’s Long Coastlines Will Make It The Superpower In Offshore Wind, But Governments Need…

Asia is poised to become the global leader in wind power by 2050, accounting for over 60% of all offshore wind capacity installed worldwide. For this to happen, ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) governments must focus resources and hasten building the preparatory infrastructure, conduct early community interactions, and … [continued]