
Image Credit: EEX via Renewables International

Energy Storage, Energy Efficiency, & Other Energy News (9 Stories)

The last roundup of the week, here’s some top energy storage, energy efficiency, and other energy and cleantech news from around the interwebs. As always, don’t miss our own stories (links above). Energy Storage Batteries The Size Of Buildings Primus Power Wins Energy Storage Project With Bonneville Power And PSE … [continued]

Green Houses for the Poor

Green-energy housing is showing up in many cities across the United States. Cities are building green apartment complexes for low-income families in which these apartments save around 30 percent more money on facilities than other comparably-sized apartments.

Designing for Density

The planet is not getting any larger. The population is, tipping the scale now at nearly seven billion people. There is only one logical approach, especially in urban areas where issues like density are more glaring on a daily basis: use less and make the space you live in smarter.