The Sun Is Rising in Africa & The Middle East — A Solar Energy Book…
Here’s every current fact you want to know about the pathway to solar generation in Africa and the Middle East.
Here’s every current fact you want to know about the pathway to solar generation in Africa and the Middle East.
37 years ago, the United States was poised on the edge of an energy revolution. The interdepartmental plan that Dr. Allan Hoffman presented President Jimmy Carter outlined how the nation could derive 20% of its power from renewables (principally wind & solar) by the year 2000.
Editor’s Update: Following comparisons with 2013 NREL figures just released last week, I’ve updated the estimates for “other solar” in the charts and table below, as well as Roy’s text where it was affected (just in the first line of his second paragraph). This changes all of the totals and the … [continued]
Originally published on EnergyPost. By Allan Hoffman Many vested interests with short-term perspectives are fighting to maintain US dependence on fossil fuels. The long-term national interest, however, requires that the US makes a speedy transition to a clean energy society, writes energy expert Allan Hoffman. According to Hoffman, the shale … [continued]