Economics & Emissions: Masters Of War Edition
The US war in Afghanistan cost $300 million a day for 20 years. Imagine if that money had been invested in carbon reduction strategies instead?
The US war in Afghanistan cost $300 million a day for 20 years. Imagine if that money had been invested in carbon reduction strategies instead?
In a recent article, I used the Afghanistan evacuation crisis to show just how bad we’ve let oil lead us to turn a blind eye to human rights abuses. Unfortunately, it’s not a problem we automagically solve by switching to renewable energy, as such abuses can also worm their way … [continued]
A recent piece by our editor Zachary Shahan (which I completely agree with) got me to thinking. A dangerous pastime, I know. In his piece, he shows how the US addiction to oil led to many very poor decisions. When 9/11 happened, it wasn’t hatred of freedom that led to … [continued]
I recall 9/11 vividly, as many Americans do. I was going into a morning sociology class in college. Everyone was glued to the TV — New York City’s Twin Towers had been destroyed from terrorists flying planes into them, another was soon flown into the Pentagon. As I’ve learned since … [continued]
A team of six teenage girls came from Afghanistan to compete in an international robotics competition in Washington, DC. To get here, they had to battle not only physics, but bigotry, intolerance, and irrational fear.
Afghanistan is looking to enhance cooperation with India to develop its renewable energy sector and reduce its dependence upon imported energy. The Afghanistan Government has invited Indian companies to set up renewable energy projects in the war-torn country to increase electrification in its remote regions. Speaking at the India-Afghanistan Renewable Energy … [continued]
U.S. Soldiers have been using solar power in the Afghanistan war for a couple of years now, with everything from solar backpack kits to large stationary arrays. One project especially worth noting is a group of ten 28-kilowatt hybrid solar/diesel generators that have been deployed for Special Forces Soldiers in remote outposts. When … [continued]
The Tea Partiers may not understand how clean energy fits in with national security. But the folks whose lives are on the line certainly do – and the Army and Navy are spearheading a huge effort to break their addiction to fossil fuels. “Every time we make changes to improve … [continued]
A lot of people are passionate about solar power, but not too many of us are in the position of risking our lives to prove that solar power can work in combat conditions. That’s exactly what is going on at an experimental forward operating base in Afghanistan, where the members … [continued]
Our troops overseas have found that the fighting force of today needs a more portable, sustainable and reliable approach to fuel supply, so it’s too bad that many members of the incoming Congress have indicated their lack of support for sustainable energy. However, that hasn’t stopped the Department of Defense … [continued]