Search Results for: Georgia

With Donald Trump As CiC, US Navy Is Caught In Clean Power Crosshairs

President-elect Donald Trump is not such a big fan of clean power, but the Pentagon sure is. That’s especially true of the US Navy. The Department of the Navy has been leveraging its history of maritime innovation to make the case for transitioning to biofuel, solar energy, wind energy, energy storage, energy efficiency, and any other technological edge that can support its position as the most powerful fighting force on the seven seas — and make its bases more secure and resilient, too.

Distributed Generation Under Fire (2015)

Originally published at We’ve been keeping a running tally of where distributed generation has come under attack, usually from incumbent utility companies, and displayed it in map format every few months. But the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center and Meister Consultants Group have done such a good job with … [continued]

Atlanta’s MARTA Modernizing Transit Fleets, Boosting Ridership Via Transit-Oriented Development

There’s good news on the transit front from Atlanta. Atlanta, long infamous for its car-oriented development, is now focused forward with an eye toward sustainable redevelopment. A MARTA initiative has been focused on modernizing transit fleets. Atlanta travelers will enjoy one of the newest fleets nationwide — after using some of the oldest in the country for … [continued]

Tesla Explores: New York City & Santa Barbara Pop-Up Shop Features Model X & Airstream…

Originally published on EVANNEX. Last week, Tesla Motors [NASDAQ: TSLA] announced that it’s: “hitting the road across North America with our first-ever Tesla mobile Design Studios… as our fleet of mobile galleries roams to destinations near and far.” According to their listings (thus far), Tesla Explores will be visiting a variety of cities across California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Georgia, Florida, New … [continued]