Search Results for: Czech Republic

Green Climate Fund Pledge Tracker

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the world’s largest multilateral fund dedicated to helping developing countries address the climate crisis. Created in 2010, the Fund had its initial resource mobilization (IRM) in 2014 receiving $10.3 billion in pledges from 45 countries. The GCF underwent its first replenishment (GCF-1) in 2019, … [continued]

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Begins Building Full-Scale Passenger Hyperloop Capsule

Whatever you may think about the Hyperloop idea (I remain a skeptic, personally), things do appear to be moving forward. With regard to Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, one of the companies trying to commercialize the idea, it has apparently started constructing a full-scale passenger hyperloop capsule — following 3 years of research and development efforts.