World’s Carbon Budget To Be Spent In Three Decades

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) has delivered an overwhelming consensus that climate change impacts are accelerating, fueled by human-caused emissions. We may have just about 30 years left until the world’s carbon budget is spent if we want a likely chance of limiting warming to 2 degrees C. Breaching this limit would put the world at increased risk of forest fires, coral bleaching, higher sea level rise, and other dangerous impacts.

Image Credit: TUSK

APS Proposal To Tax Solar Energy Gets Big “No” From Arizona Corporation Commission Staff

(Scottsdale, Ariz) The staff at Arizona Corporation Commission has issued a memo advising Commissioners to reject both of APS’ proposals to kill competition by taxing solar savings. According to their report: “Staff recommends that the Commission not approve either of the NM cost-shift solutions proffered by APS in the instant application for the … [continued]