Search Results for: portugal

Portugal to Export Solar Energy to Germany

  Once again, renewable energy is proving to be critical in strengthening shaky economies. To make some cash and ease its budget crisis, Portugal is looking to export solar power to Germany. Luz.On, a Portuguese solar company, is aiming to set up solar parks that will then supply power to … [continued]

WaveRoller Arrives in Portugal for Long Awaited Tests

The WaveRoller arrived on January 2nd at Portugal’s Peniche Shipyard for a much anticipated pilot test this summer off the coast of Portugal, one of the best testing sites in Europe for ocean energy. The scaled-up version for the pilot test is to be tested in the same waters near the sea shore of Peniche where its smaller prototype showed promise (Previous: WaveRoller Uses Swinging Door for Underwater Wave Energy.)

Wave energy involves very large machines that must survive harsh underwater conditions. Even this pre-commercial version weighs 280 tons, and the test has been financed by the European Commission.

More than 15,000 kilometers traveled all-electric: Mercedes-Benz eActros 600 testing tour throughout Europe completed successfully.

More Than 15,000 Kilometers Traveled: All-Electric Mercedes-Benz eActros 600 Testing Tour

More than 15,000 kilometers traveled all-electric: Mercedes-Benz eActros 600 testing tour throughout Europe completed successfully Mercedes-Benz Trucks successfully took its eActros 600 European Tour across the finishing line. After a 45-day all-electric development trip through a total of 22 countries, the two near-series prototypes of the Mercedes-Benz eActros 600 arrived … [continued]