Mystery Green Hydrogen Investors Not A Mystery Any More
Two top global firms have jumped into the US green hydrogen market, springboarded by the plunging cost of wind and solar power.
Two top global firms have jumped into the US green hydrogen market, springboarded by the plunging cost of wind and solar power.
Egypt climbs on the green hydrogen bandwagon with a new $4 billion project aimed at high volume green ammonia production.
A month ago the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) released a Europe-focused report on the total cost of ownership of various decarbonization pathways for freight trucking. It was deeply flawed, with unrealistically low costs for the hydrogen pathway as they put multiple thumbs on the scale. Perhaps their analyses … [continued]
Three weeks ago, the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) published a total cost of ownership report (TCO) for freight trucking decarbonization alternatives. It was immediately obvious to anyone involved in the space that something was deeply wrong. There are three extraordinary claims in the study. The first claim is … [continued]
Natural gas is sitting in the hydrogen catbird seat for now, but new green hydrogen technologies are knocking at the door.
The Hague eyes green hydrogen to boost the considerable offshore wind profile of The Netherlands while deploying existing infrastructure to overcome transmission bottlenecks.
A team at MIT has devised a system they say will make clean hydrogen from the heat of the sun instead of electrolysis.
ExxonMobil placed another bet on Texas shale gas last week, but green hydrogen stakeholders are gearing up for a fight.
Around the world, there is a huge fleet of coal power plants that will reach the end of their lifecycle over the next couple of decades. South Africa is one of places where a fleet of over 20GW is set to be decommissioned over the next couple of decade. In … [continued]
Green hydrogen winners and fossil energy losers emerge from Energy Department’s $7 billion Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub Program.