6 Years of CNBC’s “Top” Tesla Coverage

Back when we published “Pravduh About Tesla” reports, it became clear that CNBC was the media outlet that published the most about Tesla. We tracked Tesla and Elon Musk coverage in the 22 or so largest media outlets, and CNBC routinely had the most stories published each week on Tesla or Musk. (Bloomberg was 2nd, Business Insider 3rd, and Fox News 4th).

Tesla Cybertruck vs. Garage … Dutch EV Sales Explosion … 2012 Model S Still Beats…

The Tesla Cybertruck may be “old news” by now (ah, the not-so-endearing ADD of the internet), but a piece of ours explaining why it doesn’t really need a garage was still king of the hill last month. Tesla took silver too, with a story explaining that the 2012 Tesla Model S still has superior specs to new 2020 EV entrants from other companies than Tesla. In third was a piece on world-leading research from our friend Mark Z. Jacobson and several colleagues on how the world could be a galaxy-leading 100% renewable energy planet!

The Link Between China’s 1 Child Policy & The Tesla Model 3’s Rise

It’s going to take me a little while to explain the headline, but I’ll get there. It has been well documented that China’s 1 child policy (from 1979 to 2015) caused the sex ratio in China to skew heavily male. The preference for Chinese parents was to have sons, since sons in Chinese society have been traditionally responsible for taking care of their parents in old age.