
Huge, Overlooked (by Most) Fossil Fuel Subsidy

  Here’s a great recent post from Dana Nuccitelli, via Skeptical Science: The International Energy Agency (IEA) made headlines recently by concluding that fossil fuels received far more global subsidies than renewable energy in 2010. However, it appears that the IEA survey only included data from the countries with the largest fossil fuel subsidies, which are … [continued]

Vestas’ Wind Tower Factory Sale: The Shape of Things to Come in Wind, Solar Manufacturing?

Vestas’ sale of its Varda wind tower factory to China’s Titan Wind Energy is to save Danish green jobs and confer numerous benefits for both companies. It’s also clear evidence of the effectiveness and success of China’s industrial policy drive to dominate wind and solar PV manufacturing worldwide, one that’s “hollowing out” U.S. and E.U. manufacturing well before they’ve had the chance to mature. […]