Grid Storage

V2G project at Eastcroft Depot, March 2023.

Nottingham City Council’s Eastcroft Depot Launches New Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Demonstrator Project

Nottingham City Council’s electric vehicle fleet is growing quite nicely. At the moment, 51% of the council’s vehicles are powered by electricity, including six bin lorries, road sweepers, and vans. Electric bin lorries and road sweepers — how cool is that! In an exciting development reported on My Nottingham News, … [continued]

Toyota To Study V2G In Texas In 2023

Here at CleanTechnica, we’ve written a great number of articles about Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) technology. It’s highly important not only to help stabilize the grid (thousands of EVs can help the grid keep up during unusual times using energy from times when the grid wasn’t so strained), but V2X (vehicle to … [continued]

Midjourney generated image of wrong hands, hydrogen

New US Hydrogen Strategy: Wrong Department, Wrong Authors

The US hydrogen strategy was positioned in the wrong federal department. It was put in the hands of people who deal with fossil fuels all day long and have a paradigm of burning them for energy, not a paradigm of electricity for energy. It fails Rumelt’s test for the first thing that makes a good strategy, and so its principles and actions will be failures as well.

USA’s 1st Vehicle-To-Grid Export Rate For Commercial Electric Vehicles

A groundbreaking settlement agreement between Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and the Vehicle-Grid Integration Council (VGIC), Electrify America LLC, and the Public Advocates Office at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The settlement approves the establishment of the nation’s first “vehicle-to-grid” (V2G) export compensation mechanism for commercial electric vehicle … [continued]