Energy Efficiency

Top 20 CleanTechnica Stories Of July

July was CleanTechnica‘s third-best month in history in terms of traffic (only slightly trailing March & May of this year, which isn’t surprising given that it’s the summer). Coming out on the top of the story list is harder and harder, with more content, more big cleantech news in general, and … [continued]

Clean Power Plan = Lower Electricity Bills

Originally published on Solar Love. A report from the University of Georgia says that states can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by using a combination of renewable energy sources and energy-saving strategies. It says those changes are affordable if done properly. Marilyn Brown, the project’s lead researcher and the Brook … [continued]

Renewables = 15% Of US Electricity In May

Following our monthly electricity capacity report, here’s CleanTechnica‘s latest US electricity generation report, in which we add estimated rooftop solar generation to the EIA’s latest figures (released yesterday) and make it all much more consumable and useful for the average Joe or Jill (or Muhammad or Selena or whatever). While … [continued]