CleanTechnica Videos

Solar Impulse–Masdar Connection, & Bertrand Piccard’s Connection To Star Trek’s “Jean-Luc Picard” (Exclusive Videos)

If you’re getting excited about the upcoming Solar Impulse 2 round-the-world solar flight, I think you’ll enjoy the following videos I recorded during a Solar Impulse–Masdar event in the midst of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week earlier this year. The first one (below) includes presentations from Solar Impulse pilots and co-founders Bertrand … [continued]

Why Abu Dhabi To Launch The 1st RTW Solar Flight? (Exclusive Videos)

Originally published on 1Sun4All. In less than 3 weeks, the First Round-The-World Solar Flight is scheduled to depart Abu Dhabi. This adventure is a way for Bertrand Piccard, President and initiator, and André Borschberg, CEO and co-founder — the 2 pilots of Solar Impulse 2 (Si2) — to demonstrate how pioneering spirit, innovation, and clean technologies can change the world. … [continued]