Soil Carbon Capture: Great Loamy Hope Or Bandaid?
How much potential does biological carbon capture and sequestration offer? How much effort would be required to implement a large scale fix? Reasonable questions, so I went hunting for answers.
How much potential does biological carbon capture and sequestration offer? How much effort would be required to implement a large scale fix? Reasonable questions, so I went hunting for answers.
In the past few decades, sustainable technologies have multiplied rapidly. The price of solar and wind energy has crashed, leading to a sustainable energy boom. Simultaneously, the public has grown more comfortable with electric vehicles, thanks to increasing range and flashy brands like Tesla showing what EVs are capable of. … [continued]
Originally published on The Climate Reality Project. Let’s face it: The world runs on coffee. If you don’t believe us, take a look at the numbers: About 64 percent of Americans drink at least one cup of coffee a day. In the Netherlands, almost 70 gallons (260 liters) of coffee was … [continued]
Indonesia is a much storied land globally, with places such as Bali and Sumatra holding mindshare as exotic destinations. But Indonesia is much more than gorgeous and fabled locations. It’s the world’s largest Islamic state with over 87%, or 200 million citizens, identifying as Muslim. It’s on the BRIC-replacement list, … [continued]
Climate change ‘skeptics’ who have been pushed off of all their denialist positions by ugly empirical facts often resort to arguments that climate change will actually be positive. One argument they make is that output from agriculture will increase globally, with especially far northern areas benefiting from increased arability. Are they right? … [continued]
We’ve interviewed a lot of great cleantech experts, celebrities, presidents, etc., over the years. I wanted to do a better job of 1) featuring some of these interviews, and 2) creating a spot where I can easily find them. So, here we are. Below (and on the following pages) are dozens … [continued]
I’ll let you in on a little secret: we’re electric car fans here on CleanTechnica. I know, you’d never know it if I didn’t tell you. Somehow, though, we’ve never written an article on the many reasons your next car should be electric. So, here’s a piece on 30 reasons that come to my … [continued]
California stands poised to enact the most ambitious carbon pollution reduction goal on the North American continent for the year 2030. The Golden State bears a special burden this year, the fifth of a historic and punishing drought. The drought causes water quality to degrade, surface and groundwater level to … [continued]
“You kids these days don’t know how good you’ve got it. Back in the day, we had to actually get our hands in the soil and manually plant seeds, pull weeds, and water the garden. Nowadays, you just drag and drop your garden program routines from the safety of the … [continued]
Originally published on Green Building Elements. By Dawn Killough Wood buildings store carbon, instead of burning it up in manufacturing and production, as is the case for steel and concrete. A video recently released by the Oregon Forest Resources Institute makes the case for increased use of wood in building construction, even … [continued]