Author: NRDC

California Assembly Passes Groundbreaking Deforestation Bill

Courtesy of NRDC. By Jennifer Skene California policymakers have breathed new life into the lungs of the earth, taking a major step toward protecting the world’s climate-critical forests. In a landmark vote on Wednesday, the California Assembly passed a groundbreaking bill that would ensure the state’s procurement contracts protect boreal and … [continued]

5 Wins for Clean Energy Innovation in Biden’s Budget

Originally published on the NRDC Expert Blog. By Arjun Krishnaswami & Sasha Stashwick The Biden administration’s 2022 budget released on Friday includes major funding increases for important Department of Energy (DOE) programs to drive clean energy innovation, address the climate crisis, and build a strong and equitable economy. These funding increases complement … [continued]

Nevada Aims to Plug Vehicles into Renewable Energy

Courtesy of NRDC. By Max Baumhefner & Dylan Sullivan  With bipartisan support, Nevada’s legislature passed a bill that would help the state drive on cleaner, cheaper electricity. Senate Bill (SB) 448 (Brooks) would speed the approval of transmission lines needed to move low-cost, renewable electricity across the region and would accelerate the deployment of cars, … [continued]

Siting Renewable Energy Responsibly on Public Lands

Originally published on the NRDC Expert Blog. By Joshua Axelrod  Following passage of an ambitious 25-gigawatt renewable energy siting goal in December 2020, Congress is considering legislation that will help that goal be met responsibly, with as little environmental harm as possible. Representative Mike Levin (D-CA) has reintroduced the Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act … [continued]

Biden Budget — Chance to Stop Paying Fossil Fuel Industry

Courtesy of NRDC. By Sujatha Bergen & Susan Casey-Lefkowitz  President Biden is set to release his first detailed budget proposal. This blueprint for government spending is an enormous opportunity to eliminate handouts to the fossil fuel industry through the new American Jobs Plan and Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. Here’s … [continued]

US Senate Highway Bill Fails to Meet the Moment

Courtesy of NRDC. By Stephanie Gidigbi Jenkins & Deron Lovaas & Kabir Green  The Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee passed the Surface Transportation Reauthorization today, taking a step forward toward a comprehensive infrastructure package. However, this is the first step in a marathon of committee markups and floor action, and the bill needs to … [continued]