Search Results for: Greta Thunberg

Arnold Schwarzenegger Lends Greta Thunberg A Tesla

One of the very interesting things about Greta’s climate activism is that she walks the walk. She doesn’t do air travel, even for trips that cross oceans. Most recently, she made headlines for a speech at the United Nations in New York, but despite being from Europe, she didn’t get there by plane. People helped her get across the ocean by sailboat to help her keep her climate impacts as low as possible.

Why Do Some Grown Men Hate Greta Thunberg?

Greta Thunberg just ripped off the bandaid of illusion that many have blinded themselves with in hopes that they can pretend all is well and will be well. The idea of climate change strikes fear into the heart of many and we react to fear in many different ways. Some, like Greta Thunberg, take it head-on and puts it right there in your face while demanding that you drop everything and solve it — or we die.