President Obama Launches Secret Green Partnership With India to Cut CO2 Emissions Despite GOP Boycott
In a move sure to anger the Let’s-do-nothing-about-climate-change-till-China-and-India-do crowd, President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India launched a secret Green Partnership to do something about climate change.
The secret arrangement was made while the President was on his failed Asian trip resulting in pre-Copenhagen announcements from China and India; of 40% cuts, and 20% cuts respectively, in carbon emissions. (His secret Red partnership with China is another story)
India and the US will launch partly publicly-funded joint R&D centers in both countries, to accelerate technologies in the renewable energy innovations needed to reduce carbon emissions in both greenhouse gas giants; India and the US.
All green tech will be covered: solar power, smart grid, second-generation biofuel, non-mined coal technologies, carbon capture and storage, waste energy, energy-efficient building, wave power, sustainable transportation, energy efficiency, wind energy, micro-hydro power and advanced battery technologies.
Two examples: The EPA will help India establish the first Environmental Protection Agency for India. Colorado’s National Renewable Energy Lab will do a full solar mapping of India to show investors there where India’s solar potential is greatest for large-scale utility-based solar developments.
Press release on page 2:
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