
In September 1915, Sara Bard Field (left), driver Maria Kindberg (center), and machinist Ingeborg Kindstedt (right) drove across the US in an Overland car. (image from the Library of Congress)

Cars & Road Trips Made A Huge Difference In Women’s History

Today, cars can feel a little suffocating. In bigger cities (and sadly in many smaller ones), traffic can make you feel like you’re stuck in a rolling coffin. Everywhere, the cost of owning one can sometimes make you feel like you’re caught in a debt-trap with a newer car or … [continued]

Image courtesy of IRENA

Women Working For A Clean, Sustainable Future

As Women’s History Month kicks off, meet some of the RMI women who are working for a clean, sustainable future. RMI is made up of more than 600 passionate, committed, climate change experts — 57 percent of whom identify as female. March is Women’s History Month, when we celebrate women’s … [continued]