wind towers

Yakhchāls, Āb Anbārs, & Wind Catchers — Passive Cooling & Refrigeration Technologies Of Greater Iran…

If you were indoctrinated into the western public education system anytime over the last few centuries, then you likely learned all about all of the amazing “inventions” that originated in Europe over the last half-millennia. If you later went on to give yourself an actual education, then you learned that much of what you were taught was bunk or propaganda.

Photo Essay Of Wind Tower

Our friends over at Clean Energy Canada recently put together a cool photo essay about the building of a wind tower. Very cool. I won’t steal their thunder, but here are a few of my favorites photos from that (all photos by Dax Melmer on behalf of Clean Energy Canada): The … [continued]

Vestas’ Wind Tower Factory Sale: The Shape of Things to Come in Wind, Solar Manufacturing?

Vestas’ sale of its Varda wind tower factory to China’s Titan Wind Energy is to save Danish green jobs and confer numerous benefits for both companies. It’s also clear evidence of the effectiveness and success of China’s industrial policy drive to dominate wind and solar PV manufacturing worldwide, one that’s “hollowing out” U.S. and E.U. manufacturing well before they’ve had the chance to mature. […]

US Wind Tower Group Files Dumping Complaint Against Chinese, Vietnamese Manufacturers

Trade frictions between China and the US continue to intensify as a group of four US wind tower manufacturers filed a complaint with the US Commerce Dept. and International Trade Commission that calls on them to investigate the group’s claim that their Chinese competitors, operating in both China and Vietnam, are benefiting from a raft of improper government subsidies that enable them to engage in predatory pricing here in the US.