
How U.S. Congress Can Get Cities Moving

Originally published on the NRDC Expert Blog. By Amanda Eaken and Sarah Kline, Federal Transportation Consultant to NRDC. The Biden administration has set an ambitious climate goal for America: a 50 percent decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030. To reach this goal, changing the way we move must be key … [continued]

Tesla Model 3 Autonomous Fleet Is Filmed On Tampa Expressway (Florida)

In Tampa, Florida, one of the expressway bridges was temporarily shut down recently to film part of a documentary. The expressway was shut down to film a fleet of autonomously driven Tesla Model 3s. One of the volunteers of the project, Model 3 owner Blaine Johnston, posted the story on Reddit and provided us with some extra stunning pictures of the event (photo gallery below).

Don’t Let Florida Use VW Diesel Settlement Funds On More Diesel — Last Day To…

Where does smog (ozone) come from? Utilities like Duke and FPL do their share, but mostly, it’s from you and me, driving our cars. The good news is, you can DO something right now to cut smog down to healthier levels. Florida is getting $166 million from the VW diesel scandal settlement for clean transportation. We say it should all go for zero emission electric vehicles.