
Lawyers For Good Government Climate Change Program Provides Pro-Bono Legal Resources For Municipalities To Switch…

Today, Lawyers for Good Government Foundation (L4GG), a non-profit network of more than 120,000 legal advocates with lawyers in all 50 states, unveiled its latest comprehensive state energy resource profiles — Ohio, Louisiana, and Oklahoma — as part of its pro-bono climate change program, which seeks to provide the legal resources desperately needed for municipalities to reach 100 percent renewable energy goals.

Why Not The Clean Power Plan?

The Clean Power Plan just finalized by the Obama administration has occupied the media for most of a week now. So what’s the big deal? The Earth has a significant problem with climate change, and the US government has put together a coherent nationwide approach. Individual states hold high responsibility for its … [continued]

Coal Production Using Mountaintop Removal Mining Decreased By 62% Since 2008

Originally published on Today in Energy by JenAlyse Arena Coal production from mines with mountaintop removal (MTR) permits has declined since 2008, more than the downward trend in total U.S. coal production. Total U.S. coal production decreased about 15% from 2008 to 2014. Surface production decreased about 21%, and mountaintop removal, … [continued]

Top US States For Solar Energy

NerdWallet have compiled the top 5 states in the US for residential solar energy, according to four specific criteria. Top of the pile was California, thanks to a sunny location, the pioneering of solar leasing, and great cash-back incentives. Filling out the top 5 were Hawaii, Arizona, Maryland, and Delaware. … [continued]