
Senate KILLS the EV Tax Credit

Omar Qazi (@WholeMarsBlog on Twitter) has a very interesting take on the recent “Inflation Reduction Act” that is very cynical in regards to the EV tax credit. That doesn’t mean it is wrong, but it does go against my general rule of assuming people have good intentions. I’m willing to … [continued]

The Build Back Better Act is a Bridge to the Future We Need. Senator Manchin,…

Originally published by Union of Concerned Scientists, The Equation. By Rachel Cleetus  In the last week, Senator Manchin (D-WV) has become increasingly public with his opposition to the Clean Electricity Performance Program (CEPP), a policy designed to drive down power sector carbon emissions which is part of the reconciliation bill under consideration in Congress. With … [continued]

Mitch McConnell Leaves Kentucky Nearly Last In Everything While Drowning Democracy & US Progress In…

Kentucky is known as a coal state. What has happened to coal under Donald Trump’s presidency is exactly what Hillary Clinton said would happen. Clinton was vilified for her statements on this, but her clear point if you listened to the full statement was that there was no saving or reviving the coal industry — the free market was killing it — and the important thing was to have a plan for what coal miners and others in the industry could