
TEPCO Starts Fukushima Ice Wall Construction

Tokyo Electric Power Company started building something new and very cold at the ruined Fukushima nuclear power plant complex on Monday. It’s basically a big underground cooler meant to freeze the soil into a rectangular wall around TEPCO’s four nonfunctioning but still highly radioactive reactors. The frozen ground of the … [continued]

A Legacy: The Eternal Nuclear Dump

We are a civilization that ignores or glosses over its past mistakes, the horrors of its history and seems blissfully oblivious to all the terrible dangers that surround us in the present. With all the conflict and war, rapid population growth, dwindling supplies of resources, from water, to food, to energy, and the steadily warming temperature of the atmospheric stew we’re all simmering in, I’m amazed that anyone believes we will have descendents at all beyond a century or two.