millennium development goals

Deep Decarbonization Draft Offers “Transformational” Climate Strategies (VIDEO)

As unprecedented storms, extinctions, and water, food, and energy wars continue to touch our world, warnings about destructive human-made climate change multiply and increase in stridency. At the United Nations in New York yesterday, some possible solutions were officially released. (VIDEO available here.) Experts from leading world research institutes convened … [continued]

The Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Algae Biomass Production Moves toward Commercial Scale in Western Australia

Demonstrating its ability to reliably cultivate sufficient quantities of biomass from algae growing in saltwater ponds in Western Australia’s desert, Aurora Algae’s preparing to scale its pilot system to commercial production. Aurora’s means of harnessing algal photosynthesis to sustainably produce a wide range of essential goods, including food, fuel, bio-pharmaceuticals and fertilizer, could have profound impacts on people living in arid and dryland areas around the world.

European Investment Bank to Support Caribbean Islands’ Geothermal Energy Project

A grant from the European Investment Bank will finance a feasibility study of building grid connections between geothermal power plants on Dominica to the neighboring islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique. Caribbean nations are increasingly looking to develop renewable energy resources as key enablers of achieving Millennium Development Goals and significantly reducing their reliance on polluting, imported fossil fuels.