
The Many Categories of Net Metering (Infographic)

Originally published at This article was written by Nick Stumo-Langer the Institute for Local Self-Reliance Energy Democracy initiative’s Communications Manager. He regularly publishes articles and designs graphics based on local, renewable energy. Net metering is a common rule for the electricity system in nearly every state, allowing folks who generate … [continued]

Explosive US Solar Power Growth & Jobs

It’s no secret to those who work in energy that the solar industry is among the fastest-growing power sectors in this country (often the fastest-growing one), as well as worldwide. And many people don’t realize it, but US solar power growth has a hugely positive impact on employment. In 2013 … [continued]

Tesla Motors: Top 10 Facts (Infographic)

Haven’t gotten your Tesla Motors news fix yet today? Here, we can help you. 🙂 While not exactly news, this great new infographic may indeed teach you something new about the very well-regarded EV manufacturer. Coming to us via Visual Capitalist the infographic is worth a look in my opinion. … [continued]

Infographic: Energy Inequality Of Countries

Originally published on Shrink That Footprint. By Lindsay Wilson. In 2011 the average American used 4,569 kWh of electricity in their home. In the same year the combined residential electricity use per capita of Brazil, India, China and the 21 other countries was 4,485 kWh (click the image to expand). So one American uses … [continued]

Green Energy And Crowdfunding Infographic

Crowdfunding and green energy have a lot in common; both are often supported by grassroots movments, and both do their best to  champion creative solutions in addressing poverty and energy concerns. A few months ago, the folks at published an infographic related to some of the more interesting crowdfunded based … [continued]

California vs Texas on Solar Power (Infographic)

Our friends over at have made a new solar smackdown infographic. asked how California would compare to Texas. The following infographic shows us the results. Check out the numbers on total solar Companies and solar jobs per capita below! Would you like to know how your state ranks? RenewableEnergySolar will make a custom infographic for you! Click … [continued]