indigenous rights

Why Renewable Companies Should Be Paying Attention To Mauna Kea

There is a monumental political and cultural uprising happening in Hawaii at this very moment. While this particular issue is focused on a telescope (more on that below), it has really clear indications for other types of development in the future, including renewables. Solar companies, wind companies, and other renewable industry people would do well to learn from what’s happening on the mountain. There are big lessons to be learned here.

Tropical Dams Dispel Clean Energy Myth

  Tropical reservoirs are a “methane factory, continuously removing carbon from the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and returning it as methane, with a much greater impact on global warming.” Thus argue the scientists Philip Fearnside and Salvador Pueyo, whose latest article just appeared in the journal Nature Climate Change. In their … [continued]

The Global CDM Hydro Hall of Shame

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is meant to catalyze climate-friendly and sustainable projects in low-income countries. Instead, it’s provided massive subsidies to hydropower developers while increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Through deception and abuse of the system, at least two-thirds of all CDM projects are likely not additional, and more are … [continued]