
Clean Power = More Jobs

A new study shows that requiring utility companies to get 25% of their power from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind (by 2025) would result in more jobs. [social_buttons] “A strong renewable electricity standard is crucial to create a stable investment environment and grow this highly promising sector,” … [continued]

Transportation in 2010

Transportation is one of the biggest parts of our lives, whether we think about it or not. How will 2010 help shape the future of transportation in the US? How should it do so? And, more specifically, what is going on in government on this matter? With an expired (in … [continued]

Wind Turbines Don't Hurt Property Values

A new comprehensive study — The Impact of Wind Power Projects on Residential Property Values in the United States: A Multi-Site Hedonic Analysis — conclusively shows that property values are not harmed by wind turbines and wind power facilities. The study, conducted by Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory shows that neither … [continued]