
Edmunds EV Charging Test — Hyundai & Kia Lead The Way

In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicles (EVs), charging efficiency remains a pivotal factor for consumers and industry professionals alike. A recent initiative by Edmunds, the EV Charging Test, has brought forth a significant development in benchmarking the charging speeds of electric vehicles. This empirical approach offers a valuable … [continued]

Edmunds: Tesla Model 3 Is The “Ultimate Driving Machine”

I had to do a double take when seeing this tweet. I thought perhaps it was actually from The Onion, not Edmunds. In case you are not aware, Edmunds is no hippie-dippie cleantech site. In fact, it makes a shit ton of money funneling internet surfers to local auto dealers to buy gasmobiles. That’s sort of its thing. So, for Edmunds staff to bash a conventional auto company by saying that its popular tagline fits Tesla better is … well … sort of shocking.